Betty (Tyson) Boyle, beloved mother, grandmother of Weatherly, Pennsylvania passed away at 93 years of age on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, at Heritage Hill Senior Community surrounded by much love.The widow of William Francis Boyle, Betty and he lived a wonderful, adventurous life. Raising their children in Taiwan, she is survived by her boys; Brian T. Boyle and his wife Becky of Pocono Pines, Michael T. Boyle and his wife Monita of Vancouver, British Columbia, James A. Boyle and his wife Sherry of Taipei, Taiwan, and Peter T. Boyle of Hong Kong; and 5 grand children.Born Sunday, November 8, 1925 in Weatherly, the daughter of the late Harry E. and Elva (Masonheimer) Tyson. She was also predeceased by her brother Alfred.A Weatherly High School graduate, Betty's family have been member's of Salem U.C.C. for generations. Her grandfather Rev. Masonheimer was a longtime tenured pastor. Betty enjoyed learning about new cultures and became an avid mahjong player and talented Chinese brush painter.